Monday, 5 March 2012

How do I follow the announcement of the BBB 2012 winner....well just look at these....

Yesterday was so exciting... and I loved making 
the announcement announcement of the winner of the BBB 2012.

As you know I haven't finished showing you all the squares that have come plopping through my letterbox, so today, as a treat, I will show you the lovely Faith's squares... Faith has her own gorgeous blog 'Faith', which I'm sure you have all seen.  Faith lives on a farm in Wales with her hubby and 3 sons... 
......can you imagine how busy she is? 

Here are the squares Faith sent us.. be prepared to gasp!

Faith sent a gorgeous little package wrapped in handmade paper and a card that she has painted herself! Such a gorgeous butterfly...
Thank you so much Faith!

And 10 squares... 

Faith says that all of the squares bar 2 are from the book, '150 Blocks to Knit and Crochet'... this is by Heather Lodinsky.  

The first one is #33 - The Tri-colour wheel in square.

 The second is #34 - Flower Square

 The third is #35 - Off-Centred Granny

 Faith found the pattern for this cream and pale pink square in a Rowan book in her library...

 The fifth is so unusual - #37, 
Multi-Coloured Quatrefoil

 The sixth is #30 - Double Crochet Square

 I have never seen anything like the seventh square,
 it looks very difficult to make - I'm determined to 
give it a try myself... #38, Colour Swirl Granny

 The eighth is just blooming amazing - 
#32 - Circles Square 

 I think this ninth one is the square that faith called 
a 'Mish-mash' of a few patterns.... 
Beautiful mish-mash Faith! 

Finally the tenth square - #29, Colour Dot Square 
(with an extra round of trebles)....

All 10 together look yummy....

The only thing I don't know - and am dying to know - is what yarn faith used, because the colours are really unusual in cottons and I LOVE them!! 
Please do let us know Faith.

Now you might think I am finished ... but Faith read that I was struggling with sewing the blanket together because I needed lots of little squares... so look what plopped through my letterbox right at the last minute!

Ten tiny little squares in beautiful colours... WELL! I was so delighted...and the sewing up sped up beautifully that night! 

Thanks so much Faith... I can't wish you luck now because the deed is done, but you contributed enormously to the BBB 2012 and made it just
 that bit more special! 

I am really looking forward to organising the 
Beautiful Blogger Blanket 2013.. do you think 
you will all want to have another go next year?


  1. I just LOVE the 3rd one: Off-Centred Granny and please count me in for the BBB 2013 :)

  2. It is a really unusual one isn't it Paula... I bought the book after seeing faith's squares and it is full of unusual designs :)x

  3. I love them all but the off-centred granny, that swirl one and the circles squares are really special.
    You really did a wonderful job organising the BBB2012 and I will definitely be entering again next time.
    Hope you get some hooky rest now its all joined together and finished!!!

    1. They are very special is the whole book I think. Thanks so much for your kind words.. I'm looking forward to the next one already! :)x

  4. Hi Jill! I´m still sitting here and cannot believe that I have won! I never win anything. It is wonderful that you want to organise the BBB next year too. You have done an amazing job! Thank you so much!
    I love all of Faith´s squares, she has used beautiful colours!
    Have a wonderful day! Barbina

    1. Thanks Barbina... well, when I thought of it I thought it would be excellent if it worked well, to do it annually. I have just seen o your blog that you wanted to do it... hope you don't mind too much :)x

    2. I don´t mind at all Jill! I just thought you should have a chance to win too.
      Sending you lots of love! Barbina

  5. Thank you for your kind words Jill, I thoroughly enjoyed doing something different from the norm. You have done a superb job organising it all, hats off to you! I am definitely up for 2013, count me in!

    The cotton is Wendy supreme, apart from the yellow in the mini squares which was patons, an eBay bargain which I dearly wished I had more of.

    1. Ahh thanks Faith! I'm looking forward to 2013 already! Thanks for the name of the cotton...I really do love those colours... I shall search some out :)x

  6. YES please to next year...count me in!
    fee x
    (amazing squares Faith!)

  7. Wow, there are some lovely squares there. Faith sure did more than her share. How lovely!

  8. Gorgeous squares and what a sweetheart sending the extra squares. I bet the blanket looked

    1. You will see the blanket soon Deb... I'm just frantically finishing it off :)x

  9. I'll be there Jill so count me in!!! lol xxxx


Time is precious but if you have a minute I would love to hear your comments x