Monday, 12 March 2012

Ummm...I may have used the wrong word when I said penultimate!

My last post was called the 
'Penultimate' BBB 2012 Squares Post... 
It seems I used the wrong word as 
I thought that meant there were 2 
more after that one... are you following? 

In fact THIS is the penultimate BBB 
2012 squares post and the last ever 
squares post (for this year)will be 
tomorrow!  So sorry for the confusion....

Charlotte sent her 3 large squares all the way 
from York, South Carolina in the U.S.A....
she has her own blog called, 
'Charlotte's Web Page' 

The first square is very appropriate to 
our BBB 2012.. it is a crochet 
peace sign from a pattern found here...    
The second is called, ' Framed Church Windows' 
and the free pattern is here...

The third square is from Papillon Gold blog. 

I had never seen any of Charlotte's squares 
which is amazing considering I am addicted 
to crochet square patterns.....such a lovely 
feeling when a new one comes along! 

All 3 were made using a cotton yarn called, 
'I Love This Cotton' which Charlotte found at 

Thanks so much for joining in with the 
BBB 2012 Charlotte! 


  1. Love the variegated cotton it goes really well with purple and the patterns are lovely.

    How's the sewing together going? Nearly there for the big ta-dah, how exciting!

    1. Hey Faith..the sewing together is going and going and going...there has also been a bit of swearing and unsewing...but mostly there has been sewing :)x

  2. Oh my the yarn is amazing I love it an those squares are so pretty too.

  3. Thanks for the post. Sorry I waited too long before joining the BBB. Maybe next year?

  4. Beautiful squares Jill!! Congrats on winning the scarf by the way..... lol xxx


Time is precious but if you have a minute I would love to hear your comments x